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Whether you want to set up a tent in the dark, go on a cave exploration, or find yourself on a climbing tour surprised by darkness: Headlamps provide a practical alternative to the classic flashlight in many situations. The main advantage of these small headlights is that your hands remain free while your field of vision is illuminated.

Headlamps for your next outdoor adventure are available at Meister Messer. The following guide will inform you about what to consider when buying a headlamp.

What types of headlamps are available?

A headlamp can be useful not only in the wilderness but also in everyday life. For example, a headlight proves to be practical when you jog in an unlit park in the evening or when you walk your dog. But also in case of a power outage or when doing DIY projects, headlamps can provide helpful support.

The common feature of all headlamps is that they are strapped around the head with an elastic band or attached to a helmet. Nevertheless, different types of headlamps can be found in the market:

  • The so-called compact lamps are quite small and have a very low weight. In general, corresponding models illuminate a relatively large area. However, their luminosity is not too high.
  • Focus Lamps shine very brightly, but only cover a relatively small area. They achieve significantly longer ranges, but at the expense of slightly higher weight.
  • In combination lamps (also known as plug-in lamps), the light source can be removed when needed and used like a conventional flashlight.

What criteria are important when buying a headlamp?

You should first consider which activities you want to use the headlamp for. If you just want to see where you are stepping, a cheap compact lamp is sufficient. However, for mountaineering or in a cave, you will need more power. You should also pay attention to the following variables:

  • The burn time can vary greatly depending on the model. For some headlamps, it is only a few hours, while others can last for several hundred hours. Of course, versions that do not need to be recharged as often are particularly practical.
  • The brightness of the light source is a crucial criterion in every headlamp test and is specified in lumens. As a general rule: The more lumens the lamp has, the brighter it shines. Models with 100 to 300 lumens mainly illuminate the close field of vision. Headlamps with 500 to 1000 lumens achieve a greater range.
  • Also in terms of power supply there are differences. Some models come with a rechargeable battery, which can usually be charged via USB. However, there are also battery-operated headlamps. A headlamp with a battery is more sustainable, as you don't have to constantly buy new energy storage. Batteries, on the other hand, can be replaced much faster than the battery can be recharged.
  • The headband should fit tightly around the head and not slip during movements. Headlamps with a three-point headband are particularly stable. Such a headband has an additional middle band that contributes to stability.
  • Relevant is also the functions the headlamp has. High-quality models usually allow you to adjust various brightness levels and lighting modes.

Meister Messer: Your online shop for outdoor equipment

In addition to headlamps and flashlights, the range of Meister Messer also includes all other equipment items you need for outdoor tours or trips into nature. For example, in the Meister Messer online shop, you can also get survival equipment and emergency supplies.

Meister Messer not only convinces with a wide range of products, but also with first-class prices - Therefore, discover the versatile range today and order functional outdoor equipment online.

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